
Where spending money makes you feel good and helps the world

We need your help. This project will contribute to moving agriculture to a sustainable future. However to do that we need money! Every pound spent at this stage will put our project that much closer to creating a sustainable farming system that benefits us and the planet. Please bear in mind that there will be a 1-3 year wait before you can claim back some of these vouchers.

14 nights in our pod £1100

Help us set up our pod business which will help fund our agroforestry project. Pay now and get a great deal in 1-2 years time.

7 nights stay in our pod £600

Help us set up our pod business which will help fund our agroforestry project. Pay now and get a great deal in 1-2 years time.

2 nights stay in our pod £200

Help us set up our pod business which will help fund our agroforestry project. Pay now and get a great deal in 1-2 years time.

1 share RED HOUSE project £100

This entitles you to £100 worth of experiences or produce

2 shares RED HOUSE project £180

This entitles you to £200 worth of experiences or produce

5 shares RED HOUSE project £425

This entitles you to £500 worth of experiences or produce

10 shares RED HOUSE project £900

This entitles you to £1000 worth of experiences or produce

1 full day cooking over fire lesson £110 

Available now

1 farm tour with 5 course meal £60

Available now

Cooking in a wood fired oven course £110

Available now

1 Apple tree £30

Help us with our tree planting. In 5 years you can come and pick as much fruit as you want.

Available now

1 Pear tree £30

Help us with our tree planting. In 5 years you can come and pick as much fruit as you want.

Available now

1 Sweet chestnut tree £30

Help us with our tree planting. In 10 years you can come and roast chestnuts on the fire with us.

Available now

1 Cobnut Tree £30

The most sustainable way of producing oil in the UK. Help start a farming revolution. 

Available now

1 Hornbeam tree £15

The best tree for pollarding for fuel

Available now

1 Alder tree £15

Great for biodiversity

Available now

1 Field Maple tree £15

Come and tap your own syrup in 20 years time.

Available now

1 Oak tree £15

Help us with our tree planting. In 20-30 years you can come and see the diverse habitat you have created.

Available now

Sheep (Ewe) £122]

Come for the day and we can explain how by using sheep to mob graze it is helping establish our trees and regenerate our land

Available now

Chicken £8

Come for the day and we can explain how by using your Chicken we can regenerate our land

Available now

Coming soon.....

Agroforestry tour £50

No dig course incl Lunch £80

Mob and silvopasture grazing course incl lunch £80

Butchery course £80

Half lamb box  £120